Rebecca Johnson

Developer | Musician | Designer

About Me

Hi, I'm Bec Johnson! As a software developer, musician and designer; my philosophy is that code is poetry with a logical foundation, and design is an essential variable of the equation. Combine both and you have yourself a composition.
Once you incorporate user experience considerations and social psychology-based marketing techniques, you might as well be conducting the Philharmonic with Mariah Carey singing backups for Jimi Hendrix.

**Willing to Work Remotely & Open to Relocation**

Rebecca Johnson headshot


Project One Image

Flappy Bird

A re-make of the classic game 'Flappy Bird' in C#, using .Net Framework and WinForms.

View here

Project Two Image

Human vs. Zombies

A Top-Down Zombie Shooter Game in C#, using .Net Framework and Winforms.

View here

Project Three Image

Komodo Console

A series of console apps in C#, using .Net Framework and repository design patterns.

View here

Project Four Image

8imension Store

Static e-commerce storefront in HTML and CSS.

View here